Our friends
Here is a list of everyone who has been a part of taking Portraits & Tales further with our music. We want to give a special thank you to everyone below:
A&A Production Boden, Sweden https://www.instagram.com/a.and.a.production/
Åbergstorps foto Boden, Sweden https://www.abergstorpfotografi.se/
BDpop Norrbotten, Sweden https://bdpop.se/
Bodens Radio Boden, Sweden https://www.bodensradio.se/
All Radio Malmö, Sweden https://www.allradioplay.com/
Radio Sigtuna Sigtuna, Sweden https://radiosigtuna.se/
Radio Sol Sollefteå, Sweden https://www.radiosol.se/
Radio Total Normal Stockholm, Sweden https://www.radiototalnormal.se/
Radio Haninge Haninge, Sweden https://radiohaninge.se/
Radio 94,3 Kumla, Sweden https://radio943.se/
Radio Falköping 90,8 Falköping, Sweden https://www.radio.se/s/falkoping908
Café La Vache Luleå, Sweden https://www.cafelavache.com/
Studiefrämjandet Luleå, Sweden https://www.studieframjandet.se/
Kanon FM Kalmar, Sweden https://www.kanonfm.com/
Radio Siljan Siljan, Sweden https://radiosiljan.com/
Amanda Åsgård Gällivare, Sweden https://www.instagram.com/swenordichorses/
Norsk Country Radio Norway https://www.norskcountry.net/
Rock Rage Radio USA https://rockrageradio.com/
Mud Radio USA https://mudradiolive.com/
The Keysdan Show USA https://radiowhat.com/
Serious about my Music USA https://www.instagram.com/highlyuniqueradio/
The Rawk Dawg Show USA https://wilddogsradio.com/
Insanely gifted radio USA https://www.insanelygiftedradio.com/
Black dog Indie Radio USA https://countryroadsrecords.com/blackdog
Lonely Oak Radio USA https://lonelyoakradio.com
Midd Town Music Radio USA https://www.middtownmusicradio.com/
The Plowzone Radio Show USA https://theplowzoneradioshow.com
The Kayden Gordon show USA https://www.thekaydengordonshow.com
Ozcat Radio USA https://www.ozcatradio.com/
Wicked rock radio USA https://wickedrockradio.weebly.com
IGR Miami Miami, USA https://igrmiami.airtime.pro
WDNF Philadelphia, USA https://wdnf-philly.com
MTR Radio USA https://mtrsradio.com
KFOK 95.5 FM USA https://kfok.org/
Raw dawg radio Indiana, USA https://www.facebook.com/TheRawkDawgRadio
Music City Memo Nashville, USA https://musiccitymemo.com/
Grey Eagle Radio Show Minnesota, USA https://markskinradio.com/
Laurel Canyon Radio Nevada, USA https://www.laurelcanyonradio.com/
Glacer FM Los Angeles, USA https://www.glacerfm.com/
Indy Radio YFM Pennsylvania, USA https://indieradioyfm.com/
WNJR Radio Newark, USA https://wnjradio.com/
CCG Network Radio South Carolina, USA https://ccgnetworkradio.com/
Out house Radio USA https://outhouseradio.com/
Itns Radio USA https://itnsradio.com
Soul of Indie Radio New York, USA https://www.facebook.com/SoleOfIndie
The sounds won't stop USA https://www.thesoundswontstop.com
We write about music USA https://www.wewriteaboutmusic.com
Radio Candy Indy Show US, UK, SA https://www.facebook.com/RadioCandyIndieShow
Phonic FM England, Wales https://phonic.fm/
Banks Radio Australia https://www.banksradio.com/
Tripple R Radio Australia https://www.rrr.org.au/
Galaxy Fm New Zeeland https://www.galaxyfm.co.nz
sounds UK https://www.instagram.com/unknownsoundswithpetesaxer/
Arc Radio UK https://www.instagram.com/arcradiostation
time with Bob A Baker UK https://www.facebook.com/BacktoBackMusicWithBobABake
Fylde Coast Radio UK https://www.fyldecoastradio.com/
Round Sound Radio UK https://www.round-sound-radio.co.uk
Great Music Stories UK https://greatmusicstories.com/
Black on track radio show UK https://hangoverhill.co.uk
think it's all over radio UK https://www.itisnowradio.com
Jay Sle radio UK https://sleradio.com
Phoenix Radio UK https://www.phoenixradio1208.com/
British Country Music Show UK https://www.facebook.com/britishcountrymusicshow
Mkb Indie radio UK/Scotland https://www.mkbindependentradio.com/
Big Satsuma Radio UK https://www.bigsatsumaradio.com
Resistance Radio UK https://www.resistanceradio.co.uk/
Howling Rock Radio UK https://howlingrockradio.weebly.com
Hs Park Radio UK https://hspark.co.uk
The Music Galaxy Radio UK https://www.themusicgalaxyradio.com
ReTweeter UK https://the-retweeter.site123.me/
UK Country Radio UK https://ukcountryradio.com/
Belter Radio London, UK https://www.belter-radio.com/
UK Country Radio UK https://ukcountryradio.com/
Radio WigWam UK https://www.radiowigwam.co.uk/
Amazing Radio UK https://amazingradio.com/
DFM UK https://www.dfm.org.uk/
EGH Radio UK https://www.eghradio.com/
Blue Torch Radio UK https://bluetorchradio.com/
XRP Radio UK https://xrpradio.co.uk/
Country Radio UK UK https://countryradio.uk/
Fylde Coast Radio UK https://www.fyldecoastradio.com/
Itisnow Radio UK https://www.itisnowradio.com/?s=07
Sunshine Radio UK/Malta https://www.sunshinemusiciradio.com/
MKB Indie Radio Scotland https://mkbindependentradio.com/
Down da road Radio Ireland https://downdaroadradio.com/
Pinguin Radio The Netherlands https://pinguinradio.com/
Radio Deschans The Netherlands https://www.radiodeschans.com
Webradio 63 Italy https://www.webradio63.it/
XTM magazine Italy https://www.xtm.it/
European Indie Radio Italy https://euroindiemusic.info
Radio10Fm Madrid, Spain https://10radiofm.blogspot.com/
Radio caviar Musical Las Palmas, Spain https://www.instagram.com/radiocaviarmusical
Radio TFSC Germany https://radiotfsc.com/
7 tage 7 Songs Germany https://siebentagesiebensongs.podbean.com/
Ross house of music Germany https://rosshouseofmusic.com/
KB Country Radio Ontario, Canada https://kbradiocanada.radio12345.com/
Radio de Schans Canada https://www.radiodeschans.com/
Indie rock radio Canada https://www.indierockradio.ca/
Cator Web Radio Toronto, Canada https://catorweb.net/cwrindie/
Krac Radio Montreal, Canada https://kracradio.com/en/
Zone Nights Argentina https://www.zonenights.com/
My Indie Radio Paris, France https://myindieradio.fr/
Eternal web Radio France https://eternalwebradio.com/
Birra radio Chile https://rockandbirra.com/
America Indie Mexico https://www.facebook.com/AmericaIndieMx
Cult Artes Romania https://cultartes.com/